3 SEO Tricks Everyone Should Use

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) doesn’t have to be complicated. SEO is a way for search engines like Google to read and organize content so users can find the most useful information in their search. When you optimize your information for SEO, you’re organizing and labeling information on your website, social media, and blogs to help consumers find you. Here are three simple SEO tricks to optimize your content.

1. Create accurate business listings that are updated a couple times a year. 

What makes SEO so tricky is that it is constantly evolving and changing because of the amount of content uploaded to the internet every day. We can stay relevant by updating our content on a regular basis. Business listings should be updated most often because they appear on user searches first, making them your first impression with customers. The fresher and more accurate your business listings are, the better you’ll look to both the search engines and your customer. This helps give you higher rankings and builds credibility and trust. Other important business listings aside from Google are Yahoo, Bing, Yelp and YellowPages.

2. Connecting social media and other external resources to your website.
The funny thing about the internet today is that brands don’t need to interrupt customers lives to be effective because customers do their research and reach out to them. Providing channels for people to inform themselves helps sell your product or service. Most businesses focus on driving traffic to the website, which is the main hub and provides the most important information about your business. But customers want to see more to make sure your business is credible. Create a two-way gateway that allows customers to branch out beyond your website and follow you on all of your various platforms.

3. Save pictures using keywords.
Using keywords with your photos will make your images searchable in Google images and help contribute to the overall SEO of your website. Google reads both the backend code and frontend user content to assess the usefulness of the information with the keywords. For example, the image above is of the marketing materials that Evolution Brands has made for its portfolio. We save that image under the name, “evolution_marketing_materials_portfolio.jpg” because the search engine will associate it with our company name, website, portfolio section, and marketing materials. This makes it easier for the search engine to categorize the content by clearly defining how the image should be associated. You can do the same for images used on social media and business listings.

Don’t wait to start using these simple SEO tips. By updating your business listings, creating a network between your website and social media, and using keywords with your images, you’ll be rising the SEO ranks in no time.