The Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business

Social media usage is at an all-time high. As of 2016, the average global internet user spends nearly two hours a day on social media. And in 2015, CNN reported that teens are wired into some form of media for nine hours a day. But what does that mean for businesses? Well, that’s two to nine hours a day that you could be using to reach your consumer base. The question is no longer whether or not to use social media as a marketing strategy – the question is which platforms to use.
Regardless of your industry or intended audience, your business should be on Facebook. It’s the most popular social media site and the most frequently used, with nearly 8 in 10 Americans using the platform. Thanks to Facebook’s user-friendly interface, it’s easier than ever to create a page, engage with users, launch ad campaigns. Facebook offers media tracking and presents detailed analysis of your page and content in a way that’s simple and easy to understand. It’s one website that you can’t afford to not be utilizing.
If you’re looking for a younger audience, regardless of gender, Twitter is a good option. According to Pew Research Center, 24% of internet users use Twitter, with ages 18 to 29 being three times more likely to use Twitter than adults aged 65 and older. The quick and efficient dialogue can be used for both marketing and customer service. And due to its ability to share information quickly, it draws a lot of information junkies and makes it the perfect choice to spread the word about your business and its content. Make sure to find a balance between creating content and sharing other users’ content to have optimal engagement.
If your product is highly visual, you should be on Pinterest. If your product is highly visual and your target demographic is young women, you need to be on Pinterest – especially if your industry is involved in fashion/beauty, exercise, photography, food, or DIY projects. Posting informative and high quality pictures of your product can earn you a large following (fast) and without the high frequency posting of other social media platforms.
LinkedIn has become more than just a place to post your resume and search for jobs. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, gaining two new members every second. Because of its work-specific appeal, it’s great for business to business interaction like peer networking and finding industry-specific info. If you’re looking for a demographic that’s career-oriented and driven with higher levels of education and income, look no further.
Instagram is not to be underestimated. With over 600 million users and counting and a massive international market, it’s no wonder that researchers are predicting that 70% of US businesses will use Instagram for marketing this year (that’s more than Twitter!). A majority of Instagram users are below the age of 25, making it best for products with intended teenage or young adult audiences. Like Pinterest, your product requires a visual component. It largely focuses on food, art, travel, and fashion. If you can use the right high quality images and hashtags, Instagram could yield a lot of results for your business.
For a business, becoming involved in a platform like Tumblr can be tricky. Its geared to the creative side of business and its users can be very skeptical of any sort of marketing ploy. But Tumblr can also be incredibly rewarding. Its younger, more middle-class demographic provides a tight-knit community with a variety of enthusiastic subcommunities that, if you can find your niche, will welcome you wholeheartedly.