Why Personalization in Marketing is Key

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In a constantly evolving industry, it is no secret that marketing efforts have to be new and creative in order to grab the attention of their client base. Every single day new content and marketing channels are coming into the game and overwhelming the consumer, putting brands under constant pressure to capture the attention of new customers and retain existing ones. One of the fastest growing solutions to this dilemma: personalization. Marketers must now find new ways to deeply and directly connect with the consumer at every step of the process.

In a 2015 study by VentureBeat, they found that 80 percent of marketers fail to personalize their efforts. However, almost all of these stated they understood the importance of customization, realizing it improves customer engagement. The hold up for most is the deep connection that is required with both data and community. Most brands do not have both of these pieces put together.

The Full Picture

Although many brands are collecting data and utilizing the information, the question becomes: Are you collecting every piece of data that you actually need? With technology advancing faster than ever before, we have the ability to grab nearly limitless information, but many marketers are still stuck using the basics. Being able to utilize advanced metrics like online purchase behaviors and social cues can create an advantage when trying to personalize marketing efforts.


girl connecting on phone near bike

Social Data Power

The ability to pick up on social cues can be a powerful tactic when it comes to personalization. Instead of simply blasting out information to every person who has ever viewed your product or one similar, dive deeper to understand what specific types of images or social media posts they have shown interest in. Imagine you have a bicycle company, if you are able to follow specifics around which types of bikes someone has shown interest in, your marketing strategy becomes that much more powerful.

Efficient Segmentation

One of the major issues that marketers have to overcome is how to efficiently and effectively target their audience. This can be even tougher when you are attempting to personalize your efforts. In order to stay on top of things, a great practice is segmentation. Taking your target audience and breaking them down into even smaller groups will allow for the ability to efficiently personalize the efforts without having to consume as much time.

In today’s business world, customers are beginning to expect a unique experience that is catered to their personal preferences and utilizing these strategies can help stay ahead.