Have You Updated Your Marketing Strategy?

When it comes to your marketing strategy, doing it the “old-fashioned way” is not a term that you hear very often – and for good reason. Modern marketing is more of a living entity than ever before, constantly changing and evolving. If you haven’t evaluated your business’s marketing strategy within the last year, chances are that you’re falling behind your competitors. If you haven’t taken a good look at what you’re doing in the last five years, you might as well be moving backwards.
Here are four simple things that you should be doing to modernize your marketing strategy.
1. Optimize for Mobile Devices
Being mobile-friendly could be the deciding factor in making or losing a sale. In 2016, Google found that 61% of smartphone users will leave and go to a competitor’s site if they can’t easily and quickly find what they’re looking for. Consumers are using smart phones more than desktop computers and laptops these days. So, whether you’re creating content, building your website, or designing ad campaigns, make sure you keep mobile users in mind.
2. Utilize Social Media
If you still think that social media is just for teenagers posting selfies, you’re missing the boat entirely. Consumers are using social media platforms for everything: getting reviews, contacting customer service, checking out the latest offers and specials, and much more. It doesn’t matter what industry in – you need to have an active social media presence (on Facebook at the very least). Having a well-crafted online presence is like having a 24-hour sales rep that’s always on call.
3. Pay Attention to the Data
There was once a time when advertisers and marketers had to work off of “gut feelings” and instincts. Those days are gone. With all of the information available to companies today, it’s just bad business not to take advantage of it. Based on social media and web analytics alone, businesses can learn everything from their customers’ age and gender down to their location and interests. Businesses can evaluate which of their online campaigns reached more people, had better engagement, or resulted in higher conversions and use the data to build more successful campaigns in the future. With all of this data, businesses can be constantly monitoring and optimizing their advertising strategies.
4. Stop Keyword Spamming
If your website still contains hidden pages packed with lines and lines of keywords repeating over and over again, then your online strategy is in big trouble. Stuffing keywords for the sake of SEO isn’t just an outdated and ineffective technique – it’s actively hurting your SEO scores. Search engines like Google and Bing are constantly updating their algorithms and criteria for pages and using shortcuts like keyword spamming will only knock your page lower and lower in the ranks. If you want to take control of your website’s SEO, try using some more modern and effective SEO tricks.
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks – but, luckily, your dog isn’t in charge of your marketing strategy. For more help with taking your business into the modern age, call Evolution Brands at 239.307.6087.